Last year I started working on Aarohi accounts, this is something I had been postponing for last two years, Finally when I started i felt achieved and looking forward to learn more. I was postponing because I was feeling that it’s tough and I do not understand accounts.
First day when Asawari (she has been doing last two years accounts) was giving me a demo session and explaining, after half an hour I said. “my head is spinning, I need break”. I did all other work for next two weeks, but accounts. She knew me, she laughed and asked me to come next day.
Somewhere in my heart I wanted to step into this challenging journey but I was taking my own time to start.
Finally I did accounts of last year, I enjoyed and I learnt also :).
Possibly this is how our children also feels – They need space, they need to stay with theirchallenges, they need to try and they need to beaccepted.