Why one would like to REFLECT? And together as the group the words we came up with
Funneling, filtering, fully being there – finding new ways, forging a path of commitment, focus, filtering my impurities of lying , For flying high, find forbidden paths, foresee fail, find ways , flip through your day, freedom of self from others , flow how , fill you with happiness , forward planning , following up on plans , Forgive myself
, Collaborate
, Creatively do reflection
, counsel myself, counting mistakes I missed
, check ourselves, chit-chatting
, count our gratitudes.,
compassion to myself how
, connect
Sing, support , self reflect , scrutinize , solving , sensitize , Share my progress , sensitivity, sharing , share , sign – how else , solving my mistakes , selfieing, simply seeing within me, simply photographing my thoughts , sensitive , sharing how , Sincere assessment of progress – Why , self-regulation , selling ref pics , self observe , sharing with others , self-progress , self talk , self-learning , sit and think , self-progress , summarise , sit and write , scaring myself into submission , sanitize , summarize , solve , self analyze , synthesis , siren doing tune; reflection , symbiotic , find mistakes and correct
Recap the day , recognizing my mistakes , remember , right or wrong , register , remembering the day , rating , resolving , refreshing , repeating , Realize my brakes and accelerators, reporting , race to fulfill the plan , re-asses , Refresh with inputs from the team, Rehearsing, recording my mistakes
Oral, observation , optimism for the next day , open-minded, open our thoughts , opens our heart too , orderliness , obvious understanding , Observe my habits , organize , opens to leaf , reaching the optimal point of truth , observe ourselves , optimize our thoughts , opens to lead , Obvious understanding , open up to think , open learning , opens to lead myself , orient ourselves , not to ignore the open paths , open learning , optimize your planning , owing up our mistakes
Gratitude , gear up for the next day , glowing our day , gain , grateful , growth , go on , growth in ourselves , to give , get better in ref , grow a new leaf , gamble , Give it our best shot , gamify , gggrrrr – making myself challenging , game , grow by trying , grounding ??? grinning at mistakes, growling at ourselves with why , gaming your life , group , gaining guidance , Give and gain , glide , growling at your lion aka mistakes , going up up up , galloping , gliding with other ideas
Passionate perseveres , to become perfect , grade yourself , passionate , to express , by writing, drawing, speaking , to become perfect, how to become perfect, how else to become perfect , Harvesting , perceive and trample over fears , be confident in playing , Pause and think – Why , why = joy, how = joking , Prune yourself to groom your life , to understand and reflect how – journaling and conversations , Prepare for the next step, day, goal , know myself better , Understand myself. perseverance, paint, poem , dabbing in confidence , how else journaling , keep photographing my day , be confident in planning , to just listen