Am I German or Indian? Am I German, just because I stay here? What is German? What is a country made up of? Left with a thought what a country is?
Family of four from Berlin, Germany. The parents, son is 8yrs and daughter 6yrs. Both kids attend a free, democratic school in Berlin which has no fixed grades or curricula but leaves room for the children to discover their own path of learning.
They visited Aarohi to explore world.
They shared “A notion we parents constantly need to reinvigorate in ourselves – and one that our children should have the chance to develop – is that our European culture is only one among many, and far from being the navel of the world. Although we have traveled abroad, we have never been to India before, and feel like your O campus and the possibility to ‘experience aarohi’ is a unique opportunity to broaden our horizon as a family. We do not speak any Kannada, and while we parents speak English fluently, our children do not. Instead of just passing through Aarohi and having a small break at your place, we would be interested in establishing some kind of everyday life, some connection to the place and the people”.
They flew over black seas and few other countries – traveled few thousands kilometers to reach Aarohi campus.
In a session on Germany, they shared about Germany from their perspective, … a country with different land forms … Like any other country … Mountains, lakes, cities, country side … small small neighborhood and each area having their own life, Start ups, street side cafe, war, military stations, dividing country. Typical German is shown with beer and leather shoes, but this is not what Dirk and family related to.
Western world and eastern world … Wall of Berlin … When he was born Germany was Germany….. busy with own Germany. Soon it was two Germany and did not know how to hate another Germany … Familiar story of partitions. Both sides felt that they were right. Convincing the whole world to follow one side. Finally the wall fell down and no wall anymore.
City life: In the city you can reach using cycle what you need. Some part of the country is exposed to various kinds of food (international food). But many parts of thecountry is still have the danger food, same culture and not affected by other food. Religion: Some part are more religious than other. Some religion control, some establishing themselves.
More we know about a country, the space where one comes from brings a lot stories to us. Their food, culture and their lives. Women in kitchen, follow religion, men go out to work was the culture two generation back … now it’s different.
It’s evolving, it changing like any other part of the world.
Thank you Dirk, Ya, Eric and Aava for bringing world closer to us and being part of our journey.