We were working on the plastering the courtyard. We have tried in many different ways, different proportions of mud and cement. We tried it doing in many different ways – thick, thin, with rubbing, with splash, with tools, with hands…………….
But the plaster is not sticking – we make it and next day we find it coming out. We have done it many different ways – with precision, with play, with fun, with music, with talks, with silence……………but it does not seems to be sticking to the walls.
Last week we pondered over “what are we doing? We are just doing and redoing and redoing…………”
We realized that we are stuck!!! And we are no more able to think beyond what we are thinking now. We are no more able to work on this ……….so what we do………………….lets us take break from this project.
We go back to observing more|
We go back to wondering more
We go back to began again
It may look like that we have given up………..no we have not. We need some more space to be able to come back to the same. We will re-work on the same when a new spark come in our life………….we are waiting for more.We tried in many different ways, but we failed – have we really?
Have we learnt from our failures? Yes we did!!! “aunty, we need to see more how other people are doing” we learnt that we need to learn more from others.
Did we embrace failure, yes we did!!! – “no issue aunty, we will do it again, let us learn more from Sriram uncle when he is free”. We learnt that it is not that we are not capable, it is just that we need to have some more skills, we can learn from others.We have no guilt of failure, we are equally excited to go to other project and come back to the same after a break.
Project, Goals ………….Often these terms have one perspective.Goals means to achieve,Project means a product or something tangible.Let us look at from the child’s perspective or another perspective
May be a goal means what I want to do NOW
May be project means, I am doing NOW
At Aarohi the goals/ projects/ objective finds a new definition, a new perspective. We possibly do not look at it the same way adults look at it.Each child is on its own journey…………the end results are absolutely different from what an adult think about it. We often find it difficult to explain that project does not means a child will come out with a product or end result or something to showcase.Its a journey…………..its a journey of experiences………..its a journey of knowing myself……….its a journey ofexploration……………journey of leanirng………………..we do not when this journey will become a destination, we do not know which child will explore what?
“People say, ‘The joy is in the journey,’ but they rarely understand what they are saying. You are in this focused time/space reality with goals and objectives that call you because as you identify a desire it literally summons life through you. Life summoning through you is what it’s all about —it’s not the completion of anything.”-Abraham