Can a campus teach? Water walk at Aarohi is nothing but understanding water and sanitation system at Aarohi. Where does the water comes to the campus and where does it goes? Water at the campus comes from the bore well and goes back to the ground through plants – in the process it travels to our tank, to our toilets, to our bathrooms, to our kitchen washing, to our water treatment system … and then to our kitchen garden and then to the ground back and the cycle starts.
Few words which were part of our session – DEWAT (Decentralised Water Treatment), Sedimentation Tank, Baffles in sedimentation, Baffle reactor, Banana circle, Anaerobic bacteria, Organic matter, Biogas, Reed-bed, Distillation…we use the system, we know that our bathrooms cannot take urine, our drains have water coming after few processes in the tank, our kitchen garden gets recycled water, we don’t use chemicals/acid to clean our toilets, we do not mix soap in our washing station and dry toilets are closed when the poop drum is full while the urine goes to banana circle, urine from urine goes to plants and needs sufficient water to dilute the urine…all the systems allows us to think “why we don’t use acid to wash out toilets or where does this water goes or what goes in our drains while we clean them in campus care?”
Someone expressed “its a eco friendly campus”, we say “its a learning campus”.