Visit to hospitals are reserved to adults and only in case of medical needs. This week we looked at hospitals as a learning space at Aarohi. First, we visited nearby hospital to know how far are we from medical facilities? We timed our watches, set our milometer to know the distance.
We also visited to know where to go when we visit hospital for medical needs – where is registration counter, where is first aid, what is Pharmacy, what language doctors speak and so on. We read board at the hospital which guided us to different areas, We talked to one of the nurse to know what language they speak, what is ambulance service and what facilities do they have for snake bites and other emergencies. She also took us around the hospital. Apart from knowing about first aid, we also visited delivery room, neonatal care, operation theater…some of us were confused with delivery room and room operation theater – are both not same? or how are they different? (frankly speaking as an adult I visited delivery room for the first time when I went to deliver my baby 🙂
Hospitals are learning spaces – Explore what is anxiety, love, care, disease, feelings, sickness, hope, efficiency…and many more things. Also make your children friendly with hospital by visiting when you do not need to, do it when you are in best of your health.
We also visited a little far hospital (20kms), called ‘General hospital’ to know what else? We were wondering what is private and what is govt hospital? This hospital promptly displays at the entrance “available facilities and not available facilities”. Here also one of the nurse took us around and showed how casualty (emergency) works, what do they in case of poison or snake bite. Blood bank dept promptly showed us the process and working of blood bank, Some of the kids wanted to see ‘children ward’. Some knew what is ICU some guessed ‘when you are in coma’.
This is one of the rare hospital we saw which displays ‘right and responsibilities of patients’.
Well, the visit raised anxiety in some while some were comfortable to know about working of hospital. One of the worry was ‘what if we get disease from hospital’ We left with the thoughts of why this worry, how does air borne diseases are spread, how do doctors and medical staff stay away from diseases? Are hospitals infected? What is immunity and many more thoughts.