Trip to Meter Fall – Curiosity Rules


Curiosity Rules.
Construction of understanding and learning not only is natural in children (just how a toddler constructed a whole mother tongue) it is the way they enhance their cognitive powers. The child uses his thinking to experiment, to know, to make sense, to create his own learning. The child naturally explores, invents, copies from peers, from resources, from the whole world. In place of us teaching, if we let the child’s teachers be experiences, explorations, experiments, and expressions. Maybe this way the child may not know what we know, the way we know, but this way the child will learn how to know.

Each week outdoor to experience learning in different ways
We have been to Meter falls a couple of weeks back
This time it was different
The water was gushing
The rocks were slippery
The landscape changed after rains

We carried the waterfall sounds back with us
We played, climbed rocks, reflected on our experiences, and each one decided “what I want to do with the resource of water and rocks and challenges”.
We laughed, we ate, we met villagers, we met water, we met farms, we met tamarind trees and a frog
We walked, we slipped, we got muddy!
