Three parts of this story – visit HAL museum
Preparation and my struggles
My visit and my exploration
Kids visit and their exploration
Well, this began with a child taking the responsibility of organizing a trip to HAL museum, Bangalore. He is skilled in interacting with people, finding routes, finding information, planning travel, etc. All these skills are my challenging zones – well, I learned every time I interacted and his way of looking at the travel. I became richer!
The second part is about my exploration at the museum – it was the fifth trip for me. I went with thought “it is going to be boring for me”. When I reached the museum and started looking at the airplane models, the various designs struck to me – I started looking at the sizes and sizes of each component of each airplane which was displayed. I got lost in myself with these formations. This led me to read more about the, I thoroughly enjoyed reading about each story of the airplanes. I was lost again until it was time to leave! My understanding of HAL and Airpalbes grew – I am richer!
And the third part is about exploration at different levels by different children – As we entered the museum, some kids were enthralled with seeing the airplane models so close by – they talked about their experiences of travel, movies, stories related to flying. Some were indifferent, some were busy with friends. We asked “how are we challenging ourselves to make maximum out of the trip – for some time some pushed self to read the information, some challenged self to draw without any step by step instructions to draw, some stayed at the same level – the reflection was about “how worth was the trip?”
Each one was left with their own thoughts on the efforts each one made to reach this place and take value out of it!
Imagine Aarohi, a learning community where education is an endeavor to understand oneself.