Ten enthusiastic Malaysian teachers visited Aarohi for a day. We cooked, we sang, we laughed and we all enjoyed together. We talked about culture, food and lifestyle.
“Live station” session is one in which individuals from different walks of life spend valuable time with children at Aarohi – sharing their life, their skills, or their interests etc. The idea is to provide children exposure and a direct experience of the real world – something that they can watch, question, feel, do and understand. We invite anybody or any expert from any/all field.
A lot more was said and learned by just being together with each other. One of the teacher expressed ‘sorry to disturb your class’, while we were discussing about tree house with kids. I said “we have no class, so you did not disturb”. All visitors at Aarohi just walk in our sessions / meetings / discussions and becomes part of our learning,
We welcome all, you are important for our eco system. We believe each individual is a wonderful story and our children would benefit by getting exposed to any story.