What causes us to steal – is it temptation? If we delve deeper into this, living together brings all kinds of social dynamics. At campus we are experiencing children getting tempted and taking food items that either belong to others or belong to the campus (to be used at other time – these typically include chocolates and choco biscuit packets.
We spent some time at campus to understand keywords like temptation. The idea is not to expect a community where no temptations are present, but the idea is to understand and explore various situations of temptations. We all shared when we were tempted – We all shared how we feel tempted for cakes/chocolates etc. While they were sharing we realized that its not only chocolates or biscuits – we are tempted to over eat, to sleep, to talk, to play….suddenly the temptations did not look a negative words….this is part of life.
Exploring temptations allowed us to look at it differently and also understand the behavior which was earlier tagged as ‘stealing’.