Getting teased is common
Teasing others because others are teasing is common
Teasing just like is also common
Feeling low, lonely, is common
Feeling are common
Teasing because it fun, teasing because that what my friends do, teasing because the other person teases me, teasing because I dont like the person or I am angry with them. but the questions is Why am I teasing?
There are few who feel they don’t have friends, few who are not accepted for their choices like choice of music, there are few who are not accepted for their style or behavior. Some feel low about themselves, think they are not good/cool/capable enough. What is the root cause?
Before we get into accepting others to asking others to accept me, What about accepting myself ? Loving myself ? This is was the question of the teen club. Often we talk about accepting others, waiting for someone to accept me and bring that care in my life – how about accepting self? Teen club this week was to bring to the awareness
Its okay to feel that way (lets bring this in open and accept it)
Its not about others but the journey begins with me
Do I accept myself with all my so called shortcomings?
Do I love myself enough to be able to love others?
If I feel low about myself, If I am hurting myself then what do I share with other?
If I feel love for myself, If I am accepting myself then what do I share with others?
Its not about others but the journey begins with me. Each one though about, “what actions and steps I want to take to create an environment of acceptance for myself”.
And here is one song for all:https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3&v=5Yz-1mOohm4