Tag: Experimenting

  • Collateral Learnings while doing everyday things.

    During the summer months, Tej has been experimenting with mango recipes at home, making dishes like mango falooda, mango lassi, and mango shrikhand regularly. Due to the high temperatures, there was a need for a matka to store drinking water since fridge water is too cold and filtered water isn’t as satisfying. This led to…

  • Learning is living

    Where the learning is without boundaries, the living happens without fear. When living is free of pre conceived notions, learning is abundant. We say learning and living are not separated from each other.

  • Unsettle the minds – Thinking

    My idea of Education is to Unsettle the minds of young and inflame their intellect. Robert Maynard Hutchins After finishing my institutional education when I started my own organization I started looking for people to work with me. Over the period I realized people pursued knowledge too much. May be our education / societal structure…

  • Best way to teach

    Is there any one best way to live life? If no then can there be one best way to teach. Children are dynamic and they need dynamic facilitation. Breadth of facilitation will provide depth to understand a child.

  • See no evil, hear no evil and say no evil

    Parents believe see-hear-say no evil” is best but child does see-hear-say evil. May be better option would be “think no evil”. Help child to decide what is good and evil and develop his own inside shield.

  • Our Body is the key to our Mind

    With time and contemporary education the focus on body movements diminished yet the desire to make mind more productive increased by leaps and bounds. Are body and mind two separate entities or mind is part of the body?

  • My dream year at school

    Schools are designed in such a way that everything looks same except marks. We take this business of education too seriously. Child by nature is not serious so why not create Disneyland of school ?

  • The Learning Energy – Creativity

    Can learning be imparted by others? Learning is a well inside, you dig and find your pot of gold. To dig one needs energy to do the work of digging. The passion and purpose of getting that gold pot will provide the energy. This is creative energy.

  • Independent Learner

    Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish, and you feed him for a life time. Few years back I was reprimanded by my daughter’s teacher for not making my daughter learn her spellings for the dictation. Yes, I had seen the entry in her diary…

  • Green Environment, Nature and Education

    In today’s world we normally get an overdose of environmental gyan. We have green-everything being offered everywhere. Most of us are actually wary of these exposures, the claims, even the education. So, i am not keen on giving any lessons, but thoughts that i would like to share with children, perspectives that I would like…