Different age groups living together and creating spaces for self. It was amazing to see how each child, irrespective of the age could find spaces for self.
Initially there was apprehension ‘how will kids of 4yrs and 14 yrs will stay together? Will smaller kids get lost? Will smaller kids get their space? These apprehensions were natural. Specially when we consider them kids :). When we start considering equal individuals, these apprehensions diminishes. And that is what happened as we lived together. All ages found space for themselves, learned what they wanted to learn and lived how they wanted to live. Parents, children, facilitators, we all lived together in harmony to live our lives in these five days at Aarohi.
One child spoke what does one wants from parents (understanding and not scolding) – helpmates created a safe space for one to express. Self directed learning allowed one to choose and reject while many things happened around.Playing in the water pool was endless activity for some while just being to self was most enjoyable for some. Different people had different spaces to work – cooking, making mud wall, watching sky with or without telescope, dance, theater, maths, observing, gardening, juggling, learning Guitar, night trek, ponding, paining walls, book reading, maths through gambling, were some of the learning spaces.
Some of us spoke