What are you doing?
Exploring Strengths!
Life is not just about skills, but super important are how we use our strengths.
But what is so special about strengths?
Skills without strengths is like a pot without water. It will not quench our thirst.
One extremely angry – “do-not talk to me I am frustrated, I will throw you out, hit you…”.
Other one equally angry “I have problem of talking a lot, I know I talk a lot. I know, I am working for it, I have my own journey, I need your support”.
Listening circle for each other – each one talking about one minutes, the other one just listening (without interfering or asking or responding), talk by turns
By the end of the talk they were talking
“you help me, this is my problem”
They talked a lot about each other
They listened to each other
They talked about their fears
They talked about their problems
They listened to each other
We experienced – Aware of own Feelings, Caring, Forgiveness, Give and take Feedback, Listening, Open Minded, Optimistic, Problem Solving, Sensitive to others’ feelings,
One child who got feedback last week to get involved in session and not disturb the session. This week in planning he was listening, responding and following the instructions. While we were discussing about the theme of the week “strengths”, I asked him, “do you know you exhibited cooperation, listening and understanding?” He asked “did I?”
We experienced – Aware of own Feelings,
What does no taps teaches? What does no fans teach? A drama to explore “Can a campus teach?” Various words we heard “saving electricity, knowing the value of something, understanding water, co-operation”.
We experienced – Caring, Cooperation, Creativity, Optimistic, Responsibility, Sharing
After experiencing sessions and schedule, its was time about reviewing – an invitation to participate to bring changes and add value in working of Aarohi. We pondered do we need any Change in design, Change in frequency, Change in duration, Keep it as it is?
We experienced – initiative, problem solving, different perspectives and participation.
Community Voice – A platform to raise one’s voice for any aspect of working of Aarohi. Each system needs questioning, changes and re looking at its working. A true democracy needs participation of people bringing their voices to the forum. Most of the time discomfort voice is limited to cribbing or wishing for the change to happen on its own. We reviewed various codes – Four questions to base our review
Why is this code?
What will happen if this code is not existing
Do you propose any changes in the code?
We experienced – Cooperation, Creativity, Decision Making, Expression, Give and take Feedback, Initiative, Integrity, Listening, Open Minded, Optimistic, Problem Solving, Responsibility, Team Working
Exploring strengths with SWOT (Silly-Willy-Olly-Tilly) – Fitness, Sports, Food, Planning, Interest, Jaatre, Campus care, Review, Community sports, wait until dark, Self, Social, Travel (train), At home, Outdoor to Museum or any other task – Analyzing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and self assess yourself – S – Strengths, W-Weakness, O- Learning Opportunities, T – Testing (self assessment).
One child shared
Activity – Video shoot One day @ Aarohi
Strength-creativity:we used creativity in different angles and shots
Weakness-Time management:couldn’t balance between different work have to improve
Opportunities-can shoot ads for small businesses
Testing- testing my level in filmmaking
Activity – Running (20 mins everyday)
Strength-determination: because I was not giving up
Weakness-stamina: I have to improve on my stamina
Opportunities-marathon running
Testing- measure distance every week
Activity – Drumming
Strength-skills:naturally can understand rhythm
Weakness-planning: don’t have target
Opportunities-making cover of some songs
Testing-record and compare
Activity – Fish farming
Strength-curiosity:curious to learn and improve
Weakness-cooperation:cooperation with team mate
Opportunities- internship in pet shop
We experienced – Aware of own Feelings, Caring, Cooperation, Creativity, Decision Making, Expression, Flexible, Forgiveness, Give and take Feedback, Gratitude, Initiative, Integrity, Listening, Open Minded, Optimistic, Organising, Perseverance, Planning, Problem Solving, Responsibility, Sensitive to others’ feelings, Sharing, Trust and be trustworthy, Team Working