This session was to explore strengths. We greeted with arms lifted and bent at elbows… First with Right arm, then with left and then with both. Played connexions….. We start with a word and the next child tells another word that is some way related to the previous word. for e.g. sugar- white- color – pencil – lead …. And it continues….Kids were enthusiastic.. Few had trouble with identifying related words, few helped. Then the story of a tortoise and a Rabbit was shared using puppets. kids were involved with the story. Few were eager to share the story. They enjoyed the extensions of the story and were happy to see the puppets.. kids were asked to share their thoughts each time…, They tried to guess what might happen in the story. Kids were divided into groups and each group chose a strength and acted it out. Then kids reflected on their own strengths and wrote on their palm and few even showed their strengths by acting using hands…