Bruno from France, calls himself a plumber with pride. He was at the campus to make a solar water heater. few kids joined him and it was done in a day, including work in the moonlight.What appeared to be done in a day, took a month’s groundwork. Bruno contacted Aarohi when I read that we want to make a solar water heater. When he heard the constraints like no electricity and involve kids, he felt he needed to do the groundwork before coming here. He made sketches, did researched, searched DIY projects, made a model in France, and finally arrived at Aarohi.
He mesmerized us with his precision and ability to use tools and implement ideas into working models. He explored himself when he saw kids freely using drill machines, hex saw, and blades. He has never seen kids using it and working with so ease with these tools. The comfort of kids with the tools gave him the confidence to work with them freely and we all together did it!!!
Not only it was made, but it was also tested, used different tools to check the efficiency, and continue to work.When it came to measuring the area of the solar heater, some found that they need to learn the skill of area (mathematically), next day in basic skills, we explored measurements, area, and conversion of units.
We did not teach Bruno anything but he expressed “I learned about ecology and not to waste food”.
Oh, Solar Water Heater,How can you heat water?I don’t know, I don’t Know?I see pipes up and down,water flows up and down, up and down,Pipes, Pipes, Why do you leak?leaking at joints, leaking at joints.Oh, how do I fix you?I don’t know what I can use to fix it,I guess I can use cotton, cloth, or thread,I’ll fix you, I’ll fix you.I use tape and thread to fix you,Rolling all around, all aroundSun makes you weak.I’ll save you, I’ll save you,covering you, covering you with threadhow do I knot the threadKnot , knot, knot and tried, tried, triedfailed, failed, failedwill get back to you with a skill of knot.Leela