Social Environment is what we create – What I do, What I say, How I carry myself … do all these create, impact, and affect the social environment? How social environment affects me and how I affect it – let us explore.
Just one announcement “Dress up weird, crazy, different today” – face paint, body paint, upside shirt, makeup, highlighting features…And we felt ‘Special, weird can look cool, different, interesting, everyone has a different mind, thinking gone, creative, unique’.
And we pondered
Only people became different?
Or the whole environment different?
Or The session became different
Or Mind became different
Or Thoughts became different
The realization that when I do something
It affects the environment
It affects the community
It affects the world
And that magic spread around!
All of us together creates a social environment!
What I do to myself, it reflects on others.
WHY Journaling was the Jaatre Topic
Here is what some of the young minds says
Journal is all about discovering yourself through writing. Journal is not judgemental.
Self Reflection – understanding self, bring clarity, feel yourself, commitment to self
When we set our goals – Saying is different, writing makes it different.
Journal writing makes it creative – words to convey about yourself.
The thread and needle just flew with my imagination.
What all actions made the social environment energy go up or down – Anything funny you did, Anything Cooperative, Sensitive to others, Any Gossip, Teasing, Putting down and the choice of words with others. Number line became a choice see ourselves the negative and positive effects of actions – the people decided the effects. Some felt too much negative, some felt judgment, some felt a mix of all, some felt all is well!
The teen cafe was all about the social environment of growing up minds – One child shared about the gossip about him and his relationships. He made a request for a safe space.
Ques – Why Bday is special?
Ans – Because I was born on that day.
Well, bdays are special at Aarohi – Not only we all come together for a meal, not only we shower our appreciation, but also get to choose a gift from Gift Factory!
Gift Factory is an open gift shop at Aarohi – Anyone can contribute by making a handmade gift. Anyone can pick a gift from the factory (on bdays, Anniversary, visiting guest). This is just an experience of gift culture – an experience of looking beyond money. Looking at things beyond money, relationship and experience life with compassion and love.
Lived together, learn together – understanding the impact of our own action to self, community, the nation, and the universe.
IMAGINE AAROHI – an Open Learning Community for learners of all ages: Open to all kinds of interests, abilities, styles and content areas. Learning by doing what one wants, how one wants, and self-reflection. Community to co-live, co-learn and co-support each other.