A session with Dwiji on simple machines – it was simple! We wondered about the tools, machines and that’s all! It was creative to look at our body, at our tools, playing with pulleys and exploring machines!
What are Machines? – Works on itself, Makes human life easier, Something does by itself, Makes it precise, Anything you work with a tool
What are the tools? Are tools machines? How are they different? Or they are same?
The machine makes life easier, Tools we use, the machine we make, Tools are cheaper, Machines are expensive, Machine has a specific purpose, Tools can be multi-users or versatile
All tools are machines as but all machines are not tools, Pyramids were made by using simple machines – wedding, lever, inclined planes, pulleys and ropes, Machines typically moves stationary to movement or one movement to another, For any machine to work, it needs energy
Are humans machines?
And PLAYING with PULLEY to lift eachother was the end of the session – THE END!