Session on Strengths @ PUP Telugu school


This session was to explore strengths using puppets. Suddenly entered the class with puppets in hand and greeted with two puppets…Kids were surprised and excited.. Then kids were made to play 5, 10, 15 Bingo!! Game… One of the kid shared the 5 tables and after explanation of the game, they played the game by themselves…. Meanwhile the place was set for the puppet show.. Few were eager to see what I was doing… But their friends made them turn to the game.. When asked shall we relax? They said “Yes.” How? Shall we meditate? They said “Yes.” They were asked to sit comfortably with eyes closed and be with the audio being played… Kids sat silently, few with fully closed eyes, few with slightly closed eyes, few opening in the middle, few counting numbers with the music, few moving lips, few moving their body and head with the music…

Then everyone sat close together for the puppet show… They were shared 3 stories Blue fox, fox & grapes, Fox, hippo & grapes. There was absolute silence and everyone where fully involved with the story and shared their views when asked. When asked what is strength? Kids said body strength and showed their arms… then talked about other strengths…. Connected with the strength of the fox, hippo in the story… Children shared their views.. Shared few strengths with the help of a chart also…

Then they sat in groups and each one made a puppet and added their strengths to the puppet… few drew houses, butterflies, robot and added their strengths… Then they reflected on one strength that they consider as the strongest. Then they also rated their involvement in the activity. Used body to show their rating. Few shared, few were thinking…. A small strength drum was hanged in their class and asked what could this be for? Few said for keeping flowers, for keeping pencils….. then shared its usage…. Kids were happy to have that for their class.
