Use games to bring awareness about various aspect of one word, we explored ‘SENSITIVITY’. We did not introduce the one meaning of the word, we explored it through the games for few days. We all started with five tokens (assumption that we all have some basic sensitivity within us). We added one token for every time we felt we were sensitive for something like for time, for feelings, for learning, for material, for pets, for our needs, etc. We had to convince the group before we took the token. We played it in many different forms – group, self, peer feedback. Each day we competed with our previous day’s score.
We all were free to make any sense of the the word ‘sensitivity’. If one came in time for the session expressed that I was ‘sensitive for other time’ while other one expressed I was sensitive for clean up, so I came late in session, I was sensitive for my work.
So we explored
How I was sensitive for my time ?
How I was sensitive for my learning ?
How I was sensitive for my feelings ?
How I was sensitive for other’s feelings ?
How I was sensitive for my needs ?
How I was sensitive for other’s need ?
How I was sensitive for my goal ?
How I was sensitive for the words I was speaking ?
How I was sensitive for the words i was listening ?
Try playing this game with family during dinner – this allows one to express and adults do not necessarily to preach. It allows to explore many aspects of the the same word in different situations.