Keeping resource in place is one of the issue resource team faces :). After several announcements in planning, finally It came in ‘my voice’ as a concern ‘finding difficult to manage resources , need community to work with consciousness. While it was raised as a concern, and expressed to get community participation, there was no punishment for not doing, rather community came up with various solutions which included looking at it in different way
Keep in lost and found or keep it in tray or in place or gives to someone who does not have pencil.
Put visuals
Create a helping environment
Involve in repair and organizing to know the pain of maintaining
Think what if that resource is not available then what ?
Create awareness about value of natural resources by various presentations or experiences.
We continue to work on the same…..each individual is at different stage – some keep, some are conscious, some want but their actions does not support their intentions, some keep after reminders.
Imagineaarohi which guarantees one definitive outcome – that learning will be selfdiscovery.