Few names appeared in physical violence during train travel
Each one was written a note to join us for a restorative circle
In Sahayavani each one shared their version of the story
We all just listened – all stories were the same with different experience
Each one made “A REQUEST” to all OTHERS
Each one made “A REQUEST” to SELF
And shared a closing thought and that’s all
The Story – Agitation on misusage of resources, ganging up and beating up, favoring one over other, more physical violence, more emotions arousing, finally help of an adult and setting with calmness.
Concerned shared by each one
Misuse of resources
Bullying younger and weaker kids
Violence in public spaces
Bullying and ganging up against some
Requests made to others by each one
If I hit, stop me
Do Not favor others and do not gang up
Take care of resources
In case of flaring up of emotions, take help
Help only when one asks for it
Listen to each other
Do not interfere with others
Continue your support and listen after emotions are settled
Requests made to self by each one
I will continue to stay calm
I will ask for help
I will not be part of ganging up
I will not mix emotions and actions
I will take care of 3 mother codes – Self, Other and Resources
Sahayavani creating a platform for all to equally to be able to speak
It’s nice to be listened to
During listening and expressing, all listened to others, most spoken with honesty and accepted their actions.
Compassion for all those who went through this experience and becoming part of this process to bring peace, joy, and happiness in the community
The concept of REQUEST comes from Nonviolent-Communication (NVC) – exploring different ways to bring listening in the community!
Imagine Aarohi, An Open Learning Community, a life education, where learning happens from their life – for life.