Safety training is part of living at Aarohi. We need to be equipped to handle some emergencies and fire safety is in our list of safety training.
One of the advantage of these training is to understand our own paic – the one of the most important aspect in any emergency “do not panic”. But one to not panic, one needs to understand that emergency and be equip to handle it to face it.
The session on fire safety training with Akkas and Annas began with “why do you need to wear cotton clothes while cooking?” The training was conducted by some of the kids who has gone through the training and now conducting training for others. One of the advantage of them taking training was that they needed to be clear about fire and its safety. When you teach, normally you don’t want to go wrong!
Training on – Cooking fire, Body Fire, Snakes, Elephant alarm, First aid for snake bite and burns
Points discussed
Why wear cotton clothing when cooking
Fire drill – stop, drop and roll. Not run with fire on body to avoid oxygen.
Showed fire blanket in case of cooking fire or near chulha. But not for body fire.
No water in oil fire – shut the fire with the lid and close the gas.
In case of electrical fire switch off the connection and use sand.
Don’t leave chulha on in the evening. Douse the fire at four when you leave. Always keep a bucket of fire near chulha.
In case of snake bite wash with water. Don’t tie tightly. Go to Hosur hospital. Don’t panic to avoid blood circulation. If possible check snake features.
Elephant alarm go inside and don’t talk.
Few practices they use
Rub salt on minor body fire – asked them to recheck.
Tie above hand in case of shahe bite. Asked them gently cover.
Action Points
Share with Akkas/ annas why we need to save snakes – they consider snakes as danger and harmful and wondering “why to save them, they take our lives”.
Akkas to keep one sand bucket in kitchen ready and maintain every term ( chk not hard etc ).
In the beginning akkas were wondering “why do we need this training?”. One said “I have never faced fire, it it happens, then its my luck”. During training they were wondering “we didn’t know about this”. They were happy to explore various ways to douze fire, using fire blanket and also drill of drop roll to cut off oxygen!