RATE yourself and share
- One task that you rate more than 8 out of 10 on satisfaction with your efforts
- One task that you rate less than 3 out of 10 on satisfaction with your efforts
- One thing that you did that was new or needed a new skill
- One task in which you observed yourself being frustrated (and what made it frustrating).
AND Play this game at home – For each statement that was TRUE for you during this week give yourself
ONE point.
- Were ANGRY and you EXPRESSED it
- Wore a Sock (or any garment) with a hole
- Dreamt of what you want to achieve in the next 10-20 years
- Skipped BATHING daily – saved water
- Hugged somebody when they were not feeling alright
- Overate any meal
- Called a friend or relative just like that
- Were Forgetful of something
- Did fitness daily
- Sang a song loudly
- Appreciated any beauty of nature
- Tickled somebody or got tickled
- Used a science or math concept
- Laughed at yourself
- Played a board game
- Felt bored
- Made somebody feel awful
- Felt like a unicorn
The attempt is to bring attention to various little things happening and embracing all different aspects of life and not only the so-called good one but also receiving so-called not so good