We often ask questions to others as well as a lot of questions to ourselves. How about asking “what if, How else, How about, What else and Did you mean? Just a consciously asking these questions pushed some of us to think differently.
No curriculum, allows us to have unlimited curriculum! Each week we play with our thinking. Education at Aarohi is an endeavour to Understand oneself and develop strengths, skills and talents that one needs and wants. We enjoy exploring this wonderful world and connect with it in a meaningful way Create own journey, live own dreams and add value to self everyday.
What if you make a band? How else research? How else to know about the stock market? How about reading fiction? How about interacting with a carpenter? Did you mean that you are committing for designing?
Few kids got excited about designing a t-shirt. They started by drawing a t-shirt and design inside it. We asked, “why not only designs”? We kept the t-shirt shape aside and went in search of only DESIGNS! To our surprise collecting design was not difficult – we could see design all around us.
We asked him “how else can you share your love of fishes?” and he prepared a session on fishes. He likes to read/talk/see shows about fishes, he also has experience with an aquarium at home. In his session on fishes, he decided to talk only about “maintenance”. He had an answer for all about the maintenance of fishes in Aquarium – how to have them, how to save them, why not in saltwater, why not in hot water, what about cold water, salt treatment or medicines, what is the difference between cooking salt and aquarium salt … connect with him through fishes next time when you meet him!
“How do you make images of people – Teen cafe’ was about Beliefs we make and that’s all! A small activity to understand self through the images we have Based on Profession, Economic background, Brands one wears, Appearance, Relationship, Human or Geographical location?
Why not think about your week as an octopus or a tree – an octopus who worked in different areas or a tree who grew up and share with your partner – and how about let your partner make a mind map for you and why not ask any one questions to each other – What If, What else? Do you mean? How else? Why not? And THAT ALL!
Interaction is a skill – then why not explore it? We took interviews of people on their life experience – about your dreams, your failure and success, about your today, your relationship with your siblings, what gives you joy and so on … the topics were random but the question which audience asked made us think – What do you think now? What were other people doing? When did this happen?What does that stand out in your memory? Who else was involved? What were you thinking that time? Can you give an example? How do you do that? How did others respond? Why does that matter? Why was that important to you? What was significant about this? Why did you think you noticed that?
While we brought twist in our thinking about our way of thinking, we continued with our own created and chosen curriculum – Computer Coding and programming, Carpentry, Researching coins, Photography, Short Film making, Screenplay, Japanese, Book reading, Drumming, Internship, Stock market understanding, Maths/ Science/ Social science/ History, Making Mud bricks, Selling in the market, Home remedies, Running for fitness, Cooking, NIOS preparation , How to start a business, Gym workout, Understanding self emotions and others feelings, understand how a restaurant works and cooking inside, Practicing throwing Leather ball, Maths games, Job of Publicity and Media for photography, Marketing for home business, Photography course, ecological history, building a website, kitchen garden in the neighborhood,
Did you mean we are going to plant trees? Yes, the active We brought all of us together to make nursery nags to grow more trees – mud, stone, coco-peat, yuk, wow, trees, earth and that’s all! Some made it for the first time, some helped in breakfast making while some made nursery bags – mud, stone, coco-peat, yuk, wow, trees, earth and that’s all!
We live together, we laugh and cry – just a pause in healmate during closing circle to “what is under the surface?” We watched this – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZ-pU7ozt3g Some shared what they have under the surface – some just listened. It was not important what someone shared or not, but the process that “I can share and open up myself”.
Imagine Aarohi, where learning is the core purpose of all action. Since the whole world is our curriculum, whatever the child decides to do – a chore, a project, skill development, a campus responsibility or job or working on one’s interest – everything is for the purpose of learning. Similarly, the whole campus, its infrastructure, its resources and processes, all are designed to offer value addition to the child’s learning. Every space like the kitchen, toilets, resource rooms etc – all are designed keeping in mind that each interaction is a source of learning.