This session is to explore problems and how feelings change at different times. Started with the word ‘PROBLEM.’ Many kids shared their explanations and examples of problems. Then introduced them to a Problem meter where they rate their problem from 1 to 10 using a paper needle. They also drew how they would feel at different times like when there is no problem, medium problem and a disaster. Then as I mentioned problems like having cold and fever, hit by someone, someone has taken your pencil, tiger escapes from zoo, accident on the road, written the wrong answer in the exam, no electric power for a day…… they marked the level of each problem in the chart and checked their feelings also. Then in teams introduced a thread activity. As a team they had to unknot a knotted thread. Each person tries until they listen to the whistle sound. Another group was given an entangled woolen thread which they had to untangle and wind on a stick. Kids were eager to solve it, each of them were waiting for their chance to unknot the thread. They also shared their feeling and also rated the problem. Few said they were excited and happy to get their chance to work on the thread. Few said just to unknot was easy, winding the thread on the stick without tangles was difficult. Few said they wanted to complete the task so started to wind the thread with knots forgetting the problem itself. Shared a story of a lady in a restaurant on whom a cockroach falls and how she reacts and how the same cockroach falls on the waiter and how she responds with clarity… Kids shared their views. Kids tried identifying the problem. Few said cockroach is the problem – it will spoil food, it made the lady jump and disturb others. Few said lady is the problem – she was afraid of cockroach, she jumped. The waiter was not afraid of cockroach so she solved the problem…. exploration continued…. Asked kids to use the problem meter at home whenever they think they have a problem to check how big it is and to think about solving it…