The power of visualization or law of attraction with Durgesh Nandini.
She began with a thought on thought – What is a thought? What happens to a thought? How to channelise our thoughts?
She shared “Thoughts create feelings, feelings lead to behavior and behavior leads to habit and habits leads to action”.
She believes”Only dreaming will not bring results, an action is required”. She shared some of the tools which she uses to dream and keep dream alive
- Make a vision board and spend time with your dream – feel, think and dream daily.
- Put greater confidence, the universe will conspire to make it happen for you.
- Maintain journal of your day, write life goals, whom to call, research, health, questions, concerns, wish list, what went wrong, how to correct, books to read, movies to see, monthly projects, habit tracking, food tracking
- Have a gratitude journal – feel blessed, contended.
- And Self-discipline
She believes environment triggers your thoughts. She shared that “The biggest mistake is to not daring beyond what is in front of us. Often we are busy wanting others to change for us but the real need is to change our opinion about others. Goals and dreams do not happen on that day, we work EVERYDAY.
You are the CREATOR of yourself. She inspired many of us to dream and connect with our dreams.
Read more on her blogs.