Stories are wonderful. Stories from real life experiences are even more wonderful. And our parents stories are just awesome to hear.
Each Friday in thought club we have stories from here and there. This week kids got ‘Stories of parents’ – this brought excitement in our story session – stories of their childhood, struggle, joy, any incident when they were caught cheating, sibling stories, achievements stories, failure stories. While some children found it difficult to decide which one to share, some found it boring to hear so many stories, some regretted why they did not spend time at home, while some felt connected with parents.
Story of mother trying first cigarette.
Sharing about mother’s childhood challenge to scratch her nose 100 times and getting scolding to do that. How she took care as stationery leader and sold an eraser and got caught and denied and got scolding. Got punishment to kneel down and embarrassment was lifetime experience to not to repeat again.
Another one sharing how when his mother was nine year old thinking that she failed because she did not pray in temple.
When mother was in cousin’s house fell down and lost memory.
Father came from very poor family and slept next to beggars to get warmth.
Another one sharing mother’s childhood story of playing with friends and see games based on TV show like CID.
How and when mother’s tooth fell down when studying and brother sitting with excitement.
Father would finish lunch before lunch break and make stories for not getting lunch. When got caught got scolding. Shoo honey bee and drink fresh honey.
When my father was in seventh standard and waiting for results and celebrated. But later came o know that he failed.
When mother’s father died, she would cry till she came to college and found a friend in college who helped her to overcome her sorrow.
Big family of father and get up early for dosa for breakfast.
We had lovely time listening to all those stories. Kids shared their experience of listening to their parents stores at home and choosing one to share in thought club, how did they connect with parents during these stories. One child shared ‘these stories tell me how my parents were at that time, they were so naughty at that time and now they are so sober. Without these stories it would have been difficult to imagine them naughty’.