Opportunities come to our lives at Aarohi in many different forms and this week was no different!
A heap of cucumbers brought an opportunity to set up cucumber stall. And experiment with cucumber juice (which most hated).
An Artist from France brought an opportunity for some of us to experience living with an artist and learning Graffiti and taking up the charge of the bigger project.
A mirror in the planning with a tag “who AM I” brought an opportunity to explore us in different forms – sometimes a painter, sometimes a carpenter, sometimes a cook while sometimes a scientist.
Saumya, from Palghat, now traveling around the country and the world to bring people together to understand Democracy in education. She shared her own understanding and journey of Summer-hill school. Invited Aarohi kids to design a logo for the conference in Nov 2018, on the theme of “peace and diversity”.
A group of students visiting the campus brought an opportunity to plan an event.
One of the visitors inviting us to be part of Surfing expedition with exploring caravan led to understand the world of surfing and many of us explored NEW ourselves.
Grandparents visiting always bring pleasure to us and the visit of Avani’s grandparents from Chenpattana was no different.
Partner Yoga brought an opportunity to explore alphabets through our body.
A feedback session on facilitation created an opportunity to understand facilitation.
Need to learn various topics in maths, science, and language brought an opportunity to explore different resources.
And need to understand puzzles and magic brought us closer to other resource people.
The process of portfolio making brought an opportunity to collect all our own achievements/work/area of interest/talents/abilities we worked on/basic skill we developed and trace our own progress by the way of making a picture collage.
And apart from all this, the life continued with usual living and learning!