
Campus reopening with the NEW NORMAL
It began with knowing the “guidelines” for this new normal living with COvid.
Different teams drafted the guidelines in different areas – Food, Stay, and Living.
As we reviewed with different teams, we started to get more confused.
The more we got confused, the more we went into our own understanding of the diversity of human natures.
The more we tried to understand, the more we got confused.
We are still confused, we are still trying to understand it
We are trying to understand
What does it mean to wear a mask, social distancing, and wash hands?
When, how, why?
What all are the discomfort, what is each one’s understanding, what are the practices one is following, what all changes one is willing to make, what do each one in the community think/ feel about the safety, what each one’s point of view…the list is long.
One knows and agrees to wear a mask – but in practice either forget or not aware or not so conscious or have discomfort or training mind to change the habits with this new normal or just have a different view
There are no rules, there are guidelines, there are recommended practices and there is the fluidity of reviewing it every week – since our understanding is changing, our actions are changing.
And in the midst of all this confusion, we started with understanding our COMMON NEEDS – Play Games, Coordination, Helpmates, Journaling, DIrt Cleaning, COVID guidelines review, Documentation, Sharing, Scheduling, Music, and Movies.
And a lot of self-time to be with each other, play, connect, collaborate and learn from each other, read together and get inspired with each other, cook, and some known, some unknown …We continue with our journey of understanding this new normal.