One of the adult at campus announced ‘session on naturopathy’.
One child asked what it is?
Another one said, “Food without salt”.
And that was enough to close minds…no one came for the session. Few adults including visiting parents joined the session. We talked more about our own roadblocks for food habits than the naturopathy itself.
Well, we decided to add different food every Tuesday.
Day one in breakfast we had soaked dry fruits and fruits along with normal breakfast
In lunch it was Bhendi fry without oil and salt
For snacks we had jaggery, seasme power and coconut
For dinner we had soup and fruits
All this we added to our regular menu, – that is- all other regular food was also served.
Duirng the day we heard the comments
dry fruits was awesome, bhindi fry without salt was awesome, coconut was awesome … one said ‘it is great without salt also’.
Well, we did not tamper with regular food, but added a different food which is not very common in our current lifestyles. It was a welcome change. We plan to explore more every Tuesday and see where naturopathy takes us 🙂