I was an observer in the project of movie making. Kids knew what they wanted, how they wanted to do. They had so much in their head that it was important for them to do what they had thought, This was not the time for me as a facilitator to do anything in between. My job was resource provider, listener and just observe.
They debated, fought, brainstormed, ideated…..learnt different things like handling camera, editing, software all by themselves. They had director, camera man, editor, actors, spot finder….They had major fight, some people left the team, some quit the job…I just observed and listened to kids who wanted to share their experience.
Kids shared
- It was too tough to concentrate and I laughed once laugh by mistake, so it became flop.
- Doing correct steps in the movies was hard but I continued. Movie editing was hard but I continued. I used natural material for props and making movie. I am feeling happy for the movie, and proud after editing and scared while I was making movie, I thought it will be a flop movie.
- In Acting, i was getting angry with mistakes done by the team members but still i controlled which was hard to me. I took a break in movie because it was difficult to act and accept others acting.
- There were many hard parts, but I continued – one was when me and a couple of my friends started filming a movie and I was the cameraman/director/editor/actor I found it really difficult to combine all of these. The cinematography was very tough as I couldn’t figure out where to position the camera and it was too sunny so I couldn’t put the camera outside. So we used sona’s hut. And the part where we had to come up with a story was difficult because we couldn’t make our story too complicated because we did not have the editing software. But then after working hard we were able to do it and we are going to release. There was one person who would irritate me a lot but I got through him and now I am thankful for him for giving me the experience.
- Movie making was hard for me because I cannot make whole story, first I was simply shooting, when I took ghost topic more people joined, it was tough but I continued. Editing was tough but I continued doing it. Graphics was tough, but I continued doing this. Keeping the camera lens in the sun was tough, but I continued. I was taking care to take care of the lens. One side I had to take care of the lens and other side of the movie. Finding shooting place was tough, but I continued searching and then found Sona’ hut to shoot.