I have been working with an NGO (CoAst India) to support migrant workers. It has been a very humbling experience.
To begin I had an apprehension that If I call and make my phone number exposed to strangers, they will misuse it – to my surprise I have not received any prank and disturbing call.Another belief was “how do I believe that they really need money?” To break my own beliefs the 98% of the people said “now we are managing”, only two people asked for help and the NGO very promptly transfers the money, no questions asked.
This was my another belief which got shattered, my coordinator, Bindu, did not doubt the needs expressed by the people, money was transferred as soon as possible (huge learning with her). The experience is growing on me – no matter how busy I am with my work, I am able to take time out to call people and coordinate their needs. There is a different connection – no doubts, no preconditioning is left now when I talk and listen to their needs.
Another belief was that this problem is so huge, not in my hands. But working with the CoAst India shattered the belief too – every hand can make a difference. More than 500 NGOs working together in a network to support migrant workers – things are not so simple and easy, but they are doable.
And I realize that all my beliefs are not true – they need such experiences for me to grow and glow to shatter my beliefs