Satisfactory music week with Roopak, was enough to kindle musical chords of some of us. Some us of like music, but may be not giving enough thought or time or attention. The presence of Roopak at campus for a week began with drumming course. Few interested in drumming began with the course and willingness to commit. An hour session on music with him busted many myths about music and soon some more people got interested in Guitar and playing keyboard.
He shared “anyone can learn to play the music, learning music helps in appreciating music better and Learning an instrument means three things “Daily practice, Understand it to play it,And a belief, that you can do it”. And that’s it.
He shared “You don’t need to know a lot to of things to play any instruments. You need to know few things to start”. And so true, within few days of his living with us, brought a sense of confidence with playing musical instruments.
True to his words, he inspired many of us to pick and play and break those apprehension “I cannot”.
His own musical story began in Nigeria, with music around him. Interest in drumming grew as he grew, Interest in Guitar grew, his interest in music grew, played in college bands, office bands and continue with his learning.