This session was to explore Multiple Intelligences using bottle caps. This session started with greeting each other with thumbs… Then we played the game, Do what I say and not what I do….Kids participated well… Then asked, what is intelligent? Many said brain, some studying, some playing, some singing….. Then a chart with different people was shared (A.R.Rahman, Einstein, Swami Vivekananda, Mother Teresa, Irwin, Rowling, Hussain, Sania) and asked who is more intelligent? Had varied response…..The next question was, “Are plants intelligent?” Some said Yes, some said No… Asked them to see how they could identify sunlight/ water and move their stems and roots in that direction respectively…. They were thinking and asked them to explore it…
Then Kids explored the bottle caps in different ways… Many shared their explorations…some said they made flower, some different shapes, some pattern,…. some said they used it as a top, some used it as a striker and carom coin, some said if they had a thread they could make a toy…. Then they simulated addition and subtraction as numbers were mentioned….. Then they placed caps on different places in the body and tried to sit without letting them fall…. Then we sang a song together making rhythm with the caps….Kids sang very energetically…Then the different MI charts were shared with kids to identify the abilities they used…. As it was passed one by one….few shared excitedly I could do this, I could do that… Then I asked how many like to dance/ play music/ sing/ reading/ solving puzzles/ being in nature/ talking with people/ to be alone… they were raising hands for each of them…. Then we had an Emotional Go round… I asked how they would express if they were happy, sad, bored, not liking, angry, excited, afraid…. So they gave different facial expressions…. Then I gave them a minute time to think of all the feelings that they underwent during the session and then to give a set of expressions… if they had different feelings, kids shared beautifully… few wanted to sing.. finally 2 kids sang a movie song… a group of girls also shared few dance moves…. Then we did push the sky up movement and said bye with arms stretched outside on both sides…