This week is lazy for me till now
I am feeling tired of doing, planning for a child, I just want to be with myself.I wanted to watch a movie so watched one Hindi movie, Apart from regular stuff ( no option available to skip it) did not feel doing any other work.
When I am with myself. I observed a few things
No family time happened, only Arham asked for it ..
Arham watched TV more than his decided time
Parv has done his regular school, cooking in the kitchen, regular work, played PS4 , watched ninja series …
Amit cooked food for all of us as I take off from cooking for a monthly 3 days.
I and Arham played cricket for a while in the house once to cheer up the mood.
Everyone is doing their work.
I am feeling more sleepy than usual, I am feeling relaxed, I am feeling just observe.
No instruction, no invitation to anyone to do ….to join this or that, plan for this …etc. No what’s app reply only important one.
Enjoy doing slack…
I feel Sometimes I need this kind of break to boost up myself.
The song I love gazals, dancing songs…which I could not listen for a long time.Today as such did not plan much..
**One blanket- Ghost mouth **
Suddenly afternoon myself and Arham started playing ghost catching human using blanket as cover to be ghost mouth to catch up human. Had fun in catching bhiya and papa all together under one blanket and Arham named all of us as Family ghost. Went on playing with loads of smile and fun.
** My thinking Bank -My learning mind Map**
My thinking was going on what Is learning? As we talk about learning, but what actually it is ..thought of putting up my understanding through a mind map. started mapping all on the table, Parv, Arham(naya sikhna jo ki pahele na pata ho), Amit added, observed what came on the table. Amit says you can make a mind map and share it with everyone or you can sell it out as well..
Still thinking going on.
** Cricket mind map**
Three of them were playing cricket, they were having an argument as Arham is youngest so he can get more chance for batting as 3 outs are ok. He demanding for 4 outs. I connected it to let us vote acceptable or not. Went on. Finally, 4 out is ok. Since many times they play this in the house so got an idea of connecting and bringing awareness of what cricket and how do we play this game by making mind maps. Arham went on asking questions. The whole game divided into two teams. Two are batsman and two are in other teams. Wanted to give the exposure of making run by running to Arham we all played that way.
The fun part was – as usual after batting Arham ran to get the ball to give to the bowler as help. Other batsmen were asking him to run to get the run. Went on went on. Arham was confused, his exploration brought smile and laughter on our face. We were giving experience chance and he was exploring. After playing a lot he expressed that ab samaz mei aaya.
So it was whole fun.
This all happened in 2 hr of time.
Effective or most flavored time of day…
Ghost hunt Man
Man hunt learning
Ghost Man Run Fun Learn