Mr Jayaprakash, an innovator of portable eco friendly gasifier chulha (smokeless stove), visited Aarohi to help us with designing and setting up with smokeless chulha for our growing needs of cooking in the community.
In2012hegot the award for his invention of portable stove. He shared his life journey – His observation of fire in chimney, his zeal for solving problems, his joy in innovations, his persistence. He could not go to college, but this did not stop him from being a innovator. His curious mind kept on working – He did not know about the technology of gasification but he used it in his innovations. Gasification is different from burning fire wood – burning carbon content with the cool air. He adapted the technology from the factory. It looks simple now to explain, but it took 15 years for him to reach to this design.
His advise to all us: try and try and try. He met with an accident, he found that to be an opportunity to get more time to think during his recovery. He didn’t give up – working day and night. He still works, his bed is next to his workshop. He gets idea at two in the morning and gets up with an idea. His right eye got damaged during one of the experiment but he continues undaunted.
Ah! its was so humbling experience to learn form him. We understood and experienced science in burning of wood, got introduced to the concept of gasifier, and some got inspired to make our own little camping gasifier.