Meeting Artisans has always been humble experience. Meeting B V Kumbhar and Kumar to learn about pottery and patri (making wooden beads) was no different.
At first looking at that pottery wheel and pot coming up looked so simple, but did not feel simple when we started making. Making one article with hand was so tough and was enough for to to realize that beauty in potter’s hands. He was so much engrossed in making his pots. We could feel that he was worshipping clay as God. He was making the model of Horse with clear visual in his mind and made even bumps at knee as realistic as he could. He was doing every bit of horse with passion and though it was time taking he worked on model until he felt satisfied with the work. He was working with pottery wheel and led each one of us with his own hands to make model. He worked from morning 10am to 5pm tirelessly with all kids.
Making wooden beads looked even simpler but even to maintain our body posture to be able to work with that tool felt very difficult.
Both the artisans were so patient in sharing their skill with us. We felt in deep gratitude.
Shopping after this experience in Channapatna was very reflective – we could admire the hard work behind each bead used in making toys.
We receive love in many forms. A deep gratitude to Lakshmi and her parents for opening their home for us. We experienced beautiful art of making wooden beads within the comfort of the home. Thank you Aunty, Uncle for those lovely hand picked apples and your warmth and love. Thank you Lakshmi for caring for each one of us and ensuring we spent valuable time with Potter and Patri. Children will always remember that how you came forward to make this trip memorable for them.
There is a saying “it takes a whole tribe to raise a child” – So truly kids at Aarohi are privileged to receive care of grand parents. Gratitude for your being with us.