My name is Achalesh Ramana. I am 9 years old. I am an open learner at Aarohi. I love to explore and experiment. My parents say I am a keen observer and I quickly grasp things . They also say that I am a happy child. I agree that I am a happy person. I like to climb trees and rocks, do chemistry experiments, do electrical work (like how I fix bulbs, wiring, caping casing at Aarohi, at home simple repairs), create games (board,video and card games)and playing them, sports ( cricket, badminton), cooking( rolling chappathis, simple dishes), baking ( my latest interest), gardening, running, cycling. I have started exploring scratch programming. Now I want to explore Kalari too. I also do Yoga, singing and learn languages like Samskritam and Tamil. I don’t like them so much but I still do. To develop my basic skills, I do maths, english, stitching, washing and organising. The tools I use are books, read on the net, videos, mother’s and father’s help, freinds, Uncles and Aunties help and exploring by my self. I like to explore many things and there are many resources at Aarohi so I can try to do new things . I like to do more on my task and try new methods to do it. I am always ready to do any work. I love pets too. I like to take care of them and spend time with them. Once I even reared goats for few days with my friend. I love holding the little goats.