When we announced measurement course, response of many kids was”‘we know how to measure”.Well, we began with understanding what all is measurement and why do we need measurement and what if we don’t measure at all?
We all then tried to find what all we can measure and came up with big big list – shoes/clothes/cooking/milk/vegetables/budgeting, other child shared construction, other said in every application of day to day life and the list went on. We laughed and shared if clothes are not of our size, then we can’t wear at all , same with shoes, how abt books, watches? And few more thoughts about how milk man can earn.
We tested our skills with an activity of guessing and measuring – “how many books can we accommodate in a rack of 1X1feet?” We measured books, measured rack… calculated number of books. Then tried with different book sizes, compared with others calculation and tried to verify – few found it difficult, few were lost in applying multiple concepts, few had used measurement first time in this way.
Well, we continue with the same in next session…some signed up for the course, some are still thinking ‘do I need, some are weighing the option of leaning outside the course or later…
This was only about measuring length and width, just the very basic of measuring…what about area, volume, speed, vision and so on….we could find a HUGE scope something out of meausrement.