Maths is over the place – it’s all around us. A session with Mani, a guest at the campus, he is an engineer – he was our teacher today to explore maths with us.
What all businesses require maths study – If you study a lot of maths – what kind of jobs can utilize maths? Few we listed – Accountant, Cashier, Architect, Business, Shopping, Scientist, Financial analysis, Chartered Accountant, Physicist, Baker, Cooking, Optomollgoy, Artist, Teacher, Researchers, Website designer, Designers, Dancer, Computer analyst, Builder, Engineer, Actuary (system analyst)SIX areas where we might use maths in everyday life
BUILDER (building anything not only as a profession) -Artimmatic, Basic Measurement, Geometry, Angles, Money (costing), Estimation
SHOPPING – Artimmatic, Discounts, Money, Quantity, Comparison, Estimation, EMI, Offers, Prediction, Currency, Budgeting, Taxes
COOKING – Artimmatic, Fractions, Quantities, Ratios and Proportion, Metric conversion,Temperature, volume,
MONEY MANAGEMENT – Banking, Artimmatic, Buy-Sell, Loan, Investment, Borrow, Lease, Taxes,
TRAVEL – Distance, Tickets, Estimation, Deals, Negotiations, Currency conversions, Time Zone
TIME MANGAMANET – Planning, Calander, Different calendar (align with moon, stars etc), Rounding off
It was not the maths that made some to sleep, it was just a sunny and tiring day!