Sevice tax in Aarohi Ki Dukaan (AKD) is just a medium to experience maths close to us…Buy a burger, add10% service tax, and get 20% discount for carrot dip and vegetables are free with the offer. Buy a meal for Rs 30 and for every Rs 100 pay Rs 10 tax. Buy cookies and get a discount and then add service tax.
To understand service tax we needed to understand percentage. The first session we watched few videos and got introduced to the concept of p[ercentages (many have not done fractions too). The second session we continued with service tax to buy our meal, third session we also introduced different meal plans with discounts and comparing which meal/snacks to buy.
The idea is to bring maths to daily life. Encouraged them to use calculators, watch more videos, take help, discuss, use manipulatives, make mistakes, imagine, refer to books and relate to the bills which they get when they visit restaurants – some got clarity, some found it difficult and for some it was fun and some realized that maths is part of life, it is not just calculations or practice in our text books.