Exchange, Together, Interdependence, Influence, Freedom, Co-operation, Co-exist, Care, Togetherness, Openness, Support, Acceptance, Group Opportunity, Responsibility, Communication, Perspective, Feedback, Contribute, Respect were some of the words we reviewed about the community – the words came from the group, experiencing them in different ways
We do we really exist in isolation or independently? We all are interdependent. We don’t exist in isolation. Our skills don’t exist in isolation – we don’t win alone, we also don’t lose alone. We exist because of each other! If you are good with Dance, Is it only your efforts which will help you to excel or so many others will play a role in your excellence? Someone who is cooking for you, someone who is cleaning the place for you to practice, someone who is sharing the resources for you, someone who is maintaining the resources for you, someone who recorded the music for you…Imagine, Aarohi as space, designed to offer a child the very essence of interdependence – we all live as equals, we all live together, discuss and decide together, spend the time to understand how other people, places, things – the interplay in our lives.