After the success and settlement of the outreach program with children on every Saturday, I decided to begin something with the youth.
We contacted the next door neighbor – government polytechnic college, with support of the principal of the collage we were able to communicate with the young people of the surrounding areas about our outreach program.
We began our Maker’s Club with 7 interested boys on 1st August. The first session was spent in understanding what all can we DO, what are the various projects available and what am I interested in.
A desire to learn Spoken English was prominent among them, however there was a huge resistance to talk in English, either they found it difficult to respond or they couldn’t comprehend but they found it difficult to open up and respond to questions asked.
I was taken aback with the deep conditioning in them, the poor self confidence in talking in English even though they have studied in good government schools, lack of exposure or possibilities of making things or doing by oneself and they awaited instructions to do anything. To help them see the various possibilities of what projects can be done, we saw books, some photos, examples of projects and made a mind map of the possibilities.
Even though it was challenging for me to work, I saw them slowly opening up and sharing what they like to do. I could see an excitement to start doing in them.
One boy shared that in school he made a rocket launcher but was told by his teacher that it is to small and nothing great. He asked if doing small things was okay and immediately I saw a spark of enthusiasm as soon as he was told he can do whatever he wishes, small or big. This kind of response reinforced my belief in what I am trying to do.
Beginning with once a week on every Wednesday evening, I am looking forward to this makers club and to see how DOING can open up them and help them connect with what they love doing.