Some children like to meet people and learn from them. Some children when they meet people, they get inspired, they get motivated , they get new ideas, they get new directions in their learning and also get new ideas. Live station at Aarohi is to invite people as resource to learn from. If you would like to take part in arranging for live station, send this draft mail to various people whom you know.
Draft mail
I am writing to you from Aarohi. Aarohi is an alternate schooling system in Bangalore. Aarohi is a learning space where there is no curriculum, no teaching, no classes. We simply learn from whomsoever we can. As a part of learning experience from life for life, we invite expert in any knowledge area spends time with the children and shares about his or her expertise.
As a part of learning experience from life & for life, we invite experts in any knowledge area to spend time with the children and share about his or her expertise. We call it live station. This is a voluntary event (which means visiting expert does not get remunerated). We are looking for enthusiastic people who want to showcase their skills and interact with children.
Let me know If you would be interested, so I can send you more details