This session started with trying to listen to any sound that we hear…Initially there was some sound in the class…. Slowly they became silent and started to hear sounds of people and things outside…
Then we started an activity of drawing what they listen… I was dictating a few simple things like lines, circles, curves, triangles and squares that they drew… The constraint was it would be dictated only once…Initially kids were not fine with dictating only once… but slowly they became more attentive and tried to make it in the first time itself. It was interesting to see each one creating their own drawing with the same set of things being said.. At the end of it, when asked what do they see in the drawing? With excitement they replied robot, cat, butterfly, doll, kite, insect, man…..
Then a sound track was played and kids were asked to listen to it attentively and make out what this sound coincides or relates with…. This was amazing…. A soundtrack of someone sweeping the floor was played and kids came out with many options like breathing, rain, snake, air, sweeping, pumping air in cycle, fish, fire, water….. Few associated it with fear. Then they expressed what they heard.. Many choose to act and dance… They also expressed verbally…. Then they drew how they felt? What all they were thinking? What all they did? And also what they wanted to do but didn’t do…