Who are our teachers?
Who inspires us?
Well, parents are the source of inspiration – the belief that EACH individual is a rich resource. It does not matter what do they read? Satyajit Ray or Galesiti Baruti? About evolution or astronomy? Whatever they read – they just share with the young population of Aarohi?
Lenzen Cirkel is about sharing the books parents read – here are some books recommended to our young adults of the community.
He started reading late. Introduced to “experiments with truth” to prepare for IAS exams. Then book by Jawahar lol Nehru, The Discovery of India, and then the rest of the books he read because he liked reading.
Here are the books I have read and would recommend to young friends :
M K Gandhi … my experiments with truth
M K Gandhi … Hind Swaraj
Jawaharlal Nehru … the discovery of India
Harper Lee … to kill a mocking bird
Richard Bach … Jonathan Livingston seagull
EF Schumacher … small is beautiful
Masanabu Fukokwa … one straw revolution
R k Narayan … Malgudi days
Howard Zinn … A people’s history of the United States
kuvempu … ಮಲೆಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಮದುಮಗಳು
Kafka … metamorphosis
Stephen hawking … a brief history of time – How cosmos formed, how the solar system formed.
Hind Swaraj By Gandhi – Ever wondered what is freedom and what we want to do with the freedom?
They read
Alchemist – About following one’s dream
Mystic Musings – A/Q
IKIGAI – Finding the purpose of life
Stephen Hawkings – basics of life
Nancy Drew
Personality development
The monk who sold his Ferrari
Jonathan Livingston
Spirituality – Ramana Maharishi, Conversations
I am that – book
Advaita Philosophy?
Dwata means TWO in Sanskrit, Adwaita means ONE – everything is one energy. vedas and upanishad talks about Advita
Who am I?
Not teach anything – ask you to question about yourself-find the answer yourself
Quotes by Einstein, Michael, Stephin etc