This was different experience for me. First time children were working on putting up a stall. Few summer camp children were also part of the stall. We started with planning; stall details- where to put? What all do we need? How many days we will run the stall? Finance: How to decide price? How to arrange for investment? How much money do we need? What if we will not be able to return money? Ingredients: What all do we need to make lemonade? How do we decide quantity? How to arrange for ingredients? Etc… The process was real fun. We researched our monthly grocery book and asked people to find out rate of different ingredients. We took salt and sugar from Aarohi kitchen and paid for the same. To figure out how much to pay to Aarohi kitchen was a great challenge. We came to know price of one kg salt and one kg sugar from the grocery book. We found out we need 50gm of salt and 150 to 200 gm of sugarL. We managed to find out the prices from the available data. Finally we were ready with our stall planning.
The other day morning we went to fix roof and arrange the stall. We finished it before 7 o’clock. We all were happy while coming back from the gate. We all finished our work and got ready for the stall. We loaded everything in our car and reached to the stall. To our great surprise one tractor had ruined all our preparation L(((((((((((((. We were very upset and angry with them. We were not clear what to do? How to move ahead? We expressed our anger to him through few words and acting due to language constraint. It took time to settle down with our emotions.
We decided to setup near the gate where we could see shed. Yup! we were ready to sell lemonade. Labours bought two glasses. Our anger got converted in to happiness. We tried hard to attract people with our poster. It was hard to stop people to drink lemonade. We could sell four to five glasses of lemonade. It was time to close as we wanted to be part of sunshine as well. We wrapped up everything and came back to umbra.
The whole experience was full of learning for them as well as me. As a facilitator I could have added a lot into whole learning. We reflected on emotions and teamwork for the whole experience.