Imagine Aarohi, An Open Learning Community, a life education, where learning happens because children want to learn from their life – for their life.
Travelling is an amazing education. Traveling together is even better. That is what are KAA trips – travel, see, meet, eat and learn.
The trip to Rameshwaram – the journey began with preparations
Decision making started with which option for travel – change trains at midnight and go by train, bus, overnight bus, or a combination of bus and train.
And which option for stay – cheaper rooms, sleep on mats without? It was all about communication, taking a decision and understanding the needs of the group.
Should we go for snorkeling? It was all about negotiating, costing, finding information, sharing information, understanding information, conveying information and receiving information.
And the whole working of the trip with four teams getting into action
PROGRAM Team – Require research about what all can be done in that place, requires research about budget-friendly places, making a schedule,
Members – Ages 8-16 yrs
LOGISTICS Team- Travel, Routes in Rameshwaram, Stay arrangements, Safety
How to decide who all will stay in the room – what should be the criteria?
How to reach from the campus to the bus stop – At homes it is easy, call for a cab, ask a driver or parents will drop. But in the trip organized by children of all ages, it’s a different journey – go by auto or cab or walk or car? What about the budget? What about the distances? The exercise involved – research, thinking, coordinating with parents, understanding various needs.
Members – Ages 8-16 yrs
FOOD Team – RESEARCH about the food places, where to eat, what to eat, what can be the budget, what would be the timings, most needs are met
Members – Ages 8-16 yrs
MEDIA and COMMUNICATION Team – Publicity, Blogs, Interviews of people we are meeting, Update to parents on Slack
Members – Ages 8-16 yrs
ACCOUNTANT – It’s all about money
Members – Ages 14yrs old
And the journey has yet to begin!