The idea is simple – Different ages – Different skills and the joy islearningfrom each other – from different ages.
Many morelearningspaces created by each other
Many more teachers
Many more ways oflearning
LearningMela- An attempt to bringlearningand teaching in each one of us, breaking the boundaries of age.
Where nobody needs to be beautiful, yet everybody sees beauty in many.
Where nobody needs to be intelligent, yet everybody respects each other’s abilities.
Where nobody needs to be a thinker, yet everybody values other’s thoughts.
Where nobody needs to be an orator, yet everybody listens to various expressions.
Where nobody needs to be smart, yet everybody accepts other’s styles.
Where nobody needs to be an achiever, yet everybody recognizes your endeavors.
Where nobody needs to be knowledgeable, yet everybody gains from what you know.
Where nobody needs to be social, yet everybody enjoys your company.
Where nobody needs to gives an exam, yet everybody assess self.
Where nobody needs to prove anything, yet everybody is a proof of continuouslearning.